My final music video

Friday, June 26, 2009

Joys of Division

We were told to look at 'The Wombat- Lets dance to joy divison' single, and think up an appropriate idea as to what a good music video would be.
So in order to do that i had to obviously listen to the single several times in order to understand the lyrics and interpret it in a way that will be portrayed in my video idea.
At first, it thought it was a cheerful song and that it had a very upbeat rhythm, which immediately made me think of a loud, cheerful, happy video. including the band playing contently to the audience, smiling and laughing throughout.
However after re
-listening to it a couple of times i was able to understand a bit more about the track. And decided to also include emotions such as pain & anger- but only slightly because it was too the music that essentially cured the broken heart.

After considering all of these aspects i though i would still try to stick to the conventional simple structure & narrative and try and show off the bands music and ability to perform as a band.

The Treatment:

I though i would start with a LS of the band setting up stage, within a bit park area. Set in liverpool, 'i'm back in liverpool'. Then we would zoom in an pan across everyone except the guitarist until the end, where we only show him plugging the guitar into the amp. Here we see a picture of him & a girl looking very cute together lying on top of the Amp. Following this, we see his identity and a shot of the entire band again. As the music begins to come in softly we focus on the guitarist who starts to hesitantly begin to play some riffs on his guitar- the whole beginning seems as though they are only jamming in a garage or something- then we see the drummer and rest of the band begin to nodd to the beat and we notice they are understanding the tune and join in. soon there is the beginning of 'Joy division' track.
However, during this there are a couple of flahs backs to the guitarist and a girl, fighting/having a rough argument of some sort.
We need to bring in the tear between love & anger because it is scenarios such as this in which audiences want to see, this intrigues them.

Then slowly but surely, we see on-lookers of the band begin to draw into the park and as they hear the music playing they let out a little smile and want to go and watch more.
As the band realise more and more people are enjoying their music, they begin to play louder and with much more confidence. We see not only the stereotypical indie people (wearing skinny jeans& tight tops) who would usually be the sort of people seen to go to gig like this. However, thought it would be better to include everybody; old people/couples, children, teenagers and families. And as they hear the music begin to play they look at their loved ones with a smile, as though they are showing their full appreciation of them.

As the song continues to play, a young female walks through the crowd, we know she is of importance because the camera & lighting focuses on her. We dont actually see her identity until later on in the video. she is wearing casual clothing & the audience are kept in suspense as the cuts to the band, to the crowd, to the flahs backs & back to the female continue.
Eventually, as she reaches the front of the crowd she looks up slowly and makes clear eye-contact with the guitarist, from this it is immediate to the audience the connection between them too.
& he looks back at her with a blunt face but as he picks up the beat and the last chorus comes in, he begins to smile, as does she and we realise that the sound of music and playing music is the 'found cure for broken heart'.