My final music video

Monday, September 28, 2009


As you know we did our pitch to our class last Thursday.
We introduced our song, played it half way through, explained our treatment & then played the rest of the song. This way people were able to base our treatment to the song after hearing it.

I think it went really well, everyone seemed to like our treatment and thought it would suit the song we are doing, very well. There wasn't any criticism giving, just a lot of helpful feedback.

Our idea of a blank set could work, altohugh miss suggested using a green screen and then putting in the white background, however this will have to be tested a couple of times before actually following it through, therefore being able to alter anything needed to.

Our main location- if only location- will be London itself, therefore we may have the drawback of having to ask permission to film. However because we are not planning on filming in the same spot for the whole day we think it would be easy to get all equipment and run if need be. So we could work around not asking for permission very easily.

Many people in the class asked 'what if it's crowded?', to be honest the more crowded the better. This will add to our idea of a busy London a lot more. & therefore meaning our actress would look much more colourful around a crowded London or business workers in suits and smart clothing.

Reference: Gorilla Video done a couple of years ago.