My final music video

Monday, December 7, 2009

Question 1

Here we looked through numerous other solo female artists and compared them. This way we were able to pick out the common conventions and use them when constructing our Band Myspace. I think here we used the forms and conventions well, and don't think we developed or challenged them in any way, this was mainly because a Myspace can't be a differentiated as a music video because the website needs to include specific information such as; videos, gig dates, photos, blog entries and a paragraph about herself.
Our Myspace is again very distinctive with Skye's personal style and image. We decided to put our front cover artwork as our banner on the website, this was because it not only looks good but it plays a part in promoting Skye's new album release. This way helping with the cross platform marketing strategy, all media products help to promote each other in different ways and all do the same job of selling Skye's branding and identity. We also put a personalised headline banner in which promotes her single 'Chick Habit', it is orange and flashes, therefore immediately attracting the viewers eye. Because of the use of numerous bright colours, we thought the background will need to contrast with all the colours which is why we chose a simple black background.

We even added personal pictures of Skye's everyday activities, this way it is letting her fans keep an update on what she is doing, it is so so important to keep the fans updated and letting them know what Skye is getting up to, because it is them that are going to spend money on her products. If they are't happy then Skye can't do well, so her label need to make sure they are pleasing the fans and giving them what they want. Additionally, we added in a paragraph saying a little bit about herself and also a blog entry which talks about her day of shooting 'Chick Habit'. We also added in a few of upcoming gigs, as to let the fans know where she's going to be and when. The venues where Skye is performing really suits her image and the genre she sings, she will be performing in small bar places such as, Camden's KOKO.

Below are a couple of female artist's Myspace's we looked at for inspiration:

Music Video
We spoke about how we decided to use performance and concept throughout the video specifically. We thought we would challenge the conventions by only including a short narrative sequence at the beginning of the sequence. Many videos we looked at, incorporated a narrative throughout their video. However we decided against that because our song was very repetitive in the first place, it meant we would have to have a great narrative. And unless it was worthy enough, it could ruin our video. The narrative at the beginning also gives the audience something to draw into, they want to see more cos the narrative brings the audiences to asking questions, 'who is the woman?'. 'Why is she in a taxi?', it is these questions that keep the audience intrigued.

When we first chose our song we new because it was repetitive we will need to do something unique and upbeat in order to keep the audiences interests going. Therefore, we came up with the pitch of having a young blonde female dancing/running around London. We thought this was a really good idea as it wont be the same throughout the video and it means we can choose a couple of hot spot areas (Carnaby street, Bricklane, Liverpool Street). Using areas such as these is good because they are areas that London residents would definitely know about, and when your audience can relate the the surroundings they will fell more involved and therefore want to keep watching to find out where Skye is going/what she's going to do next. As shown with the audience feedback, we managed to do this extremely well, our audience constantly felt involved and the majority of them said they would watch it again because there was so much going and therefore will not get bored as easily.

I think that we definitely used the conventions of Diegesis in our video as actions are not completely as although she is walking around London a lot you never see her get to the end of a road or turn a corner, so there are gaps in the audiences understanding of her movements. Furthermore there are many repetitions, in the outfits and locations, and our artist definitely moves to the music.
Unlike a lot of videos we do not have an explicit link between lyrics and visuals, so I think here we have challenged the conventions. For example in the video clip we showed of Lily Allen when she sings ‘sun is in the sky’ it really is! The only bit in our video that I can think of is when she draws a heart and then wipes it away, this is the only section of our video that implies a break up or a relationship going wrong. However I think our video follows far more Goodwins theory of a strong relationship between music and visual, as we have edited to the beat a lot of the time, we see editing and cutting to the beat in almost every music video.

Below is an example of Empire State of Mind- Jay Z- the beginning few seconds are a perfect example of Goodwins theory.

Finally I think with Goodwin’s ‘the notion of looking’ I believe we have definitely challenged this because our video is not scopophilic like many solo female artist’s music videos are, and she is not dressed in a provocative way yet she is still sexy and cute and appealing to guys, as well as promoting a strong, independent image to her female fans.
Vernallis theory includes not always including a narrative which we follwed completely as we only used a 20sec narrative at the beginning to create enigma for the audience, arising questions to get them more interested in watching more. Also, Vernallis says a music video needs something to drive it, with our video it is Sian's performance that does it. Finally Vernallis says the video is a visual response to music, which our video is based on. We used our music to base what e would edit and where.
Album Cover

I think our cover definitely stuck to most of the forms and conventions. We included the majority of conventions like; record label, song choices, recording information, image of Skye.

However, in the end we decided on having a self titled album, mainly because Skye's branding is so strong we didn't think we needed an album name. Also, most album covers we had looked at of female solo artists were a single image of them on the front, trying to sell their image and identity.

Where as we challenged this by using 4 different images as the font cover, as a group we really liked this idea because he doesn't portray Sian as being self-centered. And with the 4 images, it gives more of a sense she is innocence and merely a young teenage artist. The use of the vinyl records allows people to immediately realise Skye's retro pop genre. Additionally, one of the images of our inside sleeve is a CU image of Skye, the image is actually an edited version of a still from our music video. I think the four different sides of the album cover work really well, because unlike others there aren't just lots of 'in your face' images of Skye, which personally i think is much better than included lots of shots of her. I think this is good because from the inside sleeve they can see her on her new single 'Chick Habit's' shoot and from the front they can look at four different images of her that all show a different side to her personality; fun, quirky, outgoing and young.