My final music video

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reflections of our evaluation

The video evaluation we did the other day was a new experience for me, as I had never done one before. I am so use to having to write an essay and be marked on that, that the concept of a video evaluation was all very new to me.
        At first I thought it was going to be horrific as I dislike public speaking a lot and the thought of having to sit there and talk to a camera really scared me.
I didn't stop complaining, wishing miss had just given us an essay to write instead!

However... having completed it I don't even know why i was worrying so much. It was much easier to begin the discussions than I first thought. And with the experience of having done it once, im pretty sure I would feel much more confident doing it again.
      I think it's a great way to evaluate our work as some things are hard to say in words, this way we were able to discuss our point, analyse it with suitable references and then evaluate it as a group.

Take back asking for an essay now!
It was funnnnn :)